We are amazed and grateful that so many people are doing so much good work in this country. We have only to watch the news to know how much it is needed. So WHY you wonder was your letter of intent rejected???
In every grant cycle, the Sparkplug Foundation board sees we don’t have enough funds to support all the good work. We have a sharp and limited focus on what we fund (read https://www.sparkplugfoundation.org/information/). And we hate taking the time of community organizers, musicians, and educators to write grant applications that we cannot fund.
So here are some tips for writing a successful letter of intent:
- We have some filter questions to make sure you meet our funding criteria. Please don’t try to game them. When we receive a grant application, we do research to make sure your organization fits our criteria. The filter questions are there to save your time and ours.
- Take a few minutes to read the website. We make it clear we do not fund service projects, organizations dedicated to fighting a disease, animal projects, projects outside the U.S except in Palestine/Israel, mentoring projects, etc.
- Take a look at our past grantees for insight into what we fund.
- Be as specific as possible about your project. We are not into foundation jargon. For example – rather than saying “We empower women” tell us what you do to empower women.